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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Update: Post-Brooks Ghost 7 review and Brooks Customer Services

Less than 24 hours after writing my review of the Brooks Ghost 7 running shoes, I'm delighted to be able to tell you that I have good news!

Let me recap.  I picked up a new pair of the Ghost 7s via SportsShoes.com last week and I had my first run in them on Friday (around 10k), then I ran again on Tuesday (7.5 miles at tempo).  Despite only running approximately 14 miles in the shoes, both feet had begun to blister in my mid-sole region, just below the ball of my foot.

This certainly didnt measure up to my expectations, given my previous experience with the Brooks Glycerin range.

So I fired off an email to Brooks Running customer services and I had no choice but to run in them on the Plumstead Runners Wednesday night run.  I took it easy and swept up the back of group 2 but the discomfort was all too obvious.

Having spoken to Dave, Andy and Gary (and anyone else who would listen about my running shoe woes), I had made my mind up to look at the Hoka One One brand following Dave's persuasion.  However, having checked my emails, I'd received a nice email from Lyz at Brooks.

Lyz told me she was sad to hear that I was disappointed with the Ghost 7s and went on to tell me that the main difference between the Glycerin 11s (which I loved so much) and the Glycerin 12s (which seem to have given me an achilles niggle!)

Once I confirmed my proof of purchase, Lyz sent me this email...

How's that for customer service, eh?  Exemplary.  I wouldnt have expected anything less from such a reputable company.

I'd like to express my huge thanks to Lyz and Brooks for putting me out of my misery so quickly.

Anyhow, the new Brooks Glycerin 13s can be seen here.  I will will follow up with a review of them once I've spent some time in them to see how they fair compared to the 12s.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Product Review: Brooks Ghost 7

Ever since I have run, I have always worn Brooks running shoes.  Once you find a pair, its often best to stick to them.  I discovered Brooks Glycerin about 4 years ago now and I've not run in anything else.

Given my usual mileage, a pair normally lasts 3-4 months on average and I would comfortably get around 350-400 miles out of them before needing to change them.

This was pretty much the norm and I had no issues at all.

However, after going through 4-5 pairs of Glycerin 11s, I finally got around to buying the updated Glycerin 12s.  If I could have found a pair of 11s I would have had them again but having searched and searched, I relented and got the 12s instead and thats when I started having issues.

I ran twice in them before the Brighton Marathon.  After my second run in my taper, I was comfortable but I felt a niggle in my left achilles. It went after a few days and I ran Brighton but I felt the achilles as soon as the 1st mile in Brighton.  This niggle has stayed with me on and off since April.

When I went back to my old 11s, I cant feel it.  The 12s, I'm conscious of it.  So I made the decision of trying a different make.

A few of the guys at Plumstead Runners have been raving about the Brooks Ghost 7.  Another neutral shoe, apparently lighter than the Glycerin and considerably cheaper.  So I took the plunge and picked a pair up.

Left:  Brooks Glycerin 12s  Right: Brooks Ghost 7s

First impression was good.  The Ghosts do feel significant lighter than the Glycerins.  However, one thing concerned me.  The mid-foot.  To explain, the area below the ball of my foot where the shoe narrows from the toe box.  (See the 'Anatomy of a Running Shoe' diagram below, area highlighted in red!)  The shoe felt too close.  I've been prone to blisters in this area in the past from other shoes but this felt like it could give me an issue.

With this in mind, I applied a liberal amount of vaseline to my feet in that area and I wore twin-skin running socks before I ran in them.

I ran twice in the Ghost 7s, 10k first and then 7.5 miles second time and without doubt, I could feel an issue in the mid-foot area within the first 2 miles of each run.  Towards the end of the second run, my right foot felt sore.  I was in danger of blistering.

As it happens, once I got home and looked at my foot, it wasnt good...

After only 15 miles in 2 runs, I was left blistered.  Not a great photograph but there is definitely a blister there.  Really not what I expected from a manufacturer like Brooks.  After so many years of buying their products, I'm not struggling to find a shoe that works for me.  The Glycerins have changed beyond recognition, going from the most comfortable running shoe in the world to something not even close and now the Ghost 7s have caused another issue.

Looking at the positives, the Ghost had more than sufficient cushioning for those that need it, resulting in a very springy-like feel to your cadence.  There was plenty of room in the toe box for a standard size 10 with broad feet like myself but what the hell is that mid-foot area all about?  It feels far too narrow.

I'm so disappointed.  Pay out a large wedge of cash for a shoe that I now cant wear.  Its not even as if I can send them back to the shop as they just wont accept them (and rightly so!)

Back to the drawing board.  I may have to go and try the Glycerin 13s.

Sadly I cant recommend the Brooks Ghost 7s from my experience.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


An awful lot has been going on since the last update.

Lets get the boring running stuff out of the way first.

I'm almost (stress 'almost') flying again.  I'm still a good 4-5 lbs off race weight but I'm getting quicker and quicker and the stamina which I've been long striving for is coming back.

Now, I've got something to admit here.  Following the recommendation of Alison and our friends Stacey, Jan, Sammi and Marion, I went to see a lady called Helen who is a Hollistic Therapist, Reflexologist, Accupunturist and Reiki Healer.  The idea was that I went along to see her for a general body MOT to see what could be done for me.  £40 a session so didnt have a lot to lose financially but it may just give me some answers as to why I was feeling lacking in energy.

Helen is a lovely lady.  I turned up for my appointment and she invited me in and I laid on her couch.  She has this chart and a pendulum which spins/moves/rotates based on your varying energy levels.  Basically, she performs a 'measurement' and then treats you accordingly.

Once she'd done her readings, she gave me her prognosis.  Highly stressed (yes, correct - I was having issues selling my flat and work was going mental all at the same time), I wanted everything done yesterday (correct) and my body was knackered (yes, pretty much could agree with all of that!).

So she recommended I took liquid iron as well as magnesium and vitamin c supplements.  This would help my energy levels and improve my sleep.

After only a couple of weeks taking the supplements, my energy levels have gone through the roof and its showing in my running stats.  My sleep quality has improved massively.  I wake up feeling alive and not wanting to go straight back to bed again.  I feel like I sleep a whole lot deeper than I ever have before.  As a result, I've got the spark back that I've felt like I've been so desperately missing for the last 6 months or so.  Long may this continue!

I'm going back to see Helen in about 4-5 weeks time but I've been told to stay on the magnesium and vitamin c but to drop out the liquid iron once the bottle is finished.  I've been very skeptical of alternative therapies but this really seems to be working.

Its well as having a physical effect, its also having a mental effect on me.  I've felt far more emotional than usual.  This is an effect of my levels realigning.  Helen said I had no negative energies so that was really good and she was pleased with my progress.

The proof is in the pudding as they say and my stats are reflecting the improvement.

This week, I seem to be firing on all cylinders.

First up, I ran my fastest 5k of the year and fastest in almost 18 months.  I rarely run the 5k distance and its normally a means to an end where I dont have enough time to get in a longer run before having to go out with Alison or something like that.

25:11 at 8:03 min/mile pace. Considerable improvement compared to the odd 5k I've run on this route in recent months. The weight is settling down but the body chemistry seems to be improving.

Wednesday Night meant a run with Plumstead Runners.  A nice 7 mile loop out and back to Bexley and Sidcup with some torrential rain thrown in for good measure.

Our route from Danson to Bexley takes us up Parkhill Road.  When I first started running with the Plums just under 3 years ago, this hill used to absolutely kill me.

I remember it well from my cycling days as it used to be my main route out to the Kent lanes.  Its not particularly steep but its a horrible little steep/drag combo.  It certainly takes some effort to run up it.

Here's the elevation profile so you can judge for yourself...

As you can see, the segment include the hill and then the drop down the other side to the war memorial at the junction of Hurst Road.

Here's my segment times...

A new PB by 8 seconds.  Considerable improvement.  The fact that I backed off the pace from the top to recover and didnt run hard down the other side tells me I could have run it faster.  However, coming to Plums straight from work without eating properly all day is energy sapping and the main aim of the Plum runs is to get around in relative comfort so its good to hold something back.

Because of the weather, it was a reasonably small turn out in comparison to previous weeks but a good turn out given the circumstances and every one of them Plums deserves huge credit for getting out there in the elements and putting themselves through it.  I actually prefer running in conditions like that, as long as I can avoid my shoes going through deep puddles!

Here's the complete data for the run...

A thoroughly enjoyable run with brilliant company. Cant ask for any more than that.

So that's all the running/fitness stuff done.  There's been a whole lot more been going on.

In brief, my flat has finally sold.  Debts cleared.  A lovely lump sum now sits in the bank.  A very nice position to be in and I'm a lucky man.

I blogged last time that I was heading off to Spain for a week.  We had a great time and I can honestly say that was my favourite holiday ever.  It was the first time I was able to take Izzy away for a sunshine holiday and she loved every minute of it.

You can check out the pictures here.

I treated myself to a Go Pro before we went and we had a real laugh playing with the camera in and out of the water on holiday...

Truly stunning footage at 1080P and 60fps. Proper geekage. Now all I need to do it pick up some different mounts and I can start to use it when I'm out running. Should be some interesting footage.

Anyhow, Izzy has been talking about setting up her own 'Driscoll TV' You Tube channel for some time and while we were off together, we started 'practicing' for what sort of films would work.

Izzy will kill me for making this public but hey, its about time she made her online debut.  Let us know what you think.

All filmed on the iPad. The idea was devised in about 2 mins before she hit the record button and quickly edited and rendered on the iMovie app afterwards. Hey, not bad for a first attempt.  We quickly filmed a few other clips but they've not been put together yet.  Unfortunately, it looks like I'm going to get a starring role but hey, if it makes Izzy happy then I'll make a fool of myself gladly.

Wedding plans are coming on nicely.  Honeymoon is now booked.  Almost 3 weeks on the American West Coast.  Conveniently booked for May so I wont have to defer my VLM place when I get it.  (See what I did there?  Positive thoughts.  I've manifested my place for next year.  Its going to happen.  It really is!)

Talking Weddings, Alison has been her usual brilliant self recently.  Despite having an awful lot to deal with at work, she's always there for me...and Izzy as well.  Alison came to support Izzy at her major Gymnastics competition of the year, the South Eastern Regional Championships, at the Guildford Spectrum last weekend at Izzy's insistence, despite the fact she could have well done with a lay in.  8am registration on a Sunday morning is bordering on the insane.  I'm used to it what with the various races/rides I've done which have meant being up at 4am for preparation and breakfast etc.

Anyhow, Alison has taken to life with a 'step-daughter' like a duck to water.  They both get on brilliantly and I really couldnt ask for more than that.  Alison loves her like she would love one of her own.

As it happens, the Guildford Spectrum was also the venue for the first ever 'Alison-meets-ex-wife...ex-wife-meets-Alison' event.  [EDIT: my thoughts are not for public reading].  All done and dusted now. 

On the bright side, Izzy done brilliantly to finish 5th in her category, her first competition since qualifying for the intermediate level standard.  We are all very proud of her.  Amazing considering she was having a major meltdown about not being able to remember her routine properly 24 hours beforehand.

So there we go.  The running is going better than I could have hoped 4 weeks ago and life is steaming forward.

This weekend is Alison's parents 50th wedding anniversary party which we're all looking forward to. The marquee is already up in our garden and we'll be partying until the early hours again.  No running on Sunday this week, thats for sure.  Will just have to go out on Saturday instead ;)

Update of the last 8 months and Marathon #6 - VLM 2016 Race Report

Ah.  My last blog post here was Tuesday 24 February. Almost 8 months later, the very last paragraph of that post in February is telling... ...