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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wednesday Training (Happy New Year 10k with man flu)

I've pretty much felt like death over the last 48 hours.  I picked myself up enough yesterday afternoon to do a very slow trail run and I hoped I'd be able to do the same today.

It didnt quite work out like that.

I hate New Year's Eve with a passion.  I'd rather just get on with things and let it pass me by.  When I got back from my parents this afternoon and realised my neighbours had visitors which highly like meant yet another party to contend with, I thought to myself enough was enough.

I dosed myself up, I soaked myself in the hottest steamiest bath in history to clear my nose and sinuses and I got in my lycra and I forced myself to run 10k at about 11.20pm on NYE.  That way, I could avoid midnight altogether.

Its absolutely no fun being billy no mates and I'm certainly not going to subject myself to having to listen to others having fun.  So off I went...

I took the run very easily. No effort at all. A nice slow constant pace, ensuring I was only taking shallow breaths so as to avoid drawing the cold air on to my lungs which could cause further chaos later.

You may notice that the average HR is much higher than it would be for a run at a much quicker pace but that is easily explained by the several gallons of Diet Coke I've drank in the last 12 hours and the various medication I've been taking (nurofen cold and flu tablets, benilyn chesty cough, subutamol etc).

I felt pretty good considering.  No coughing or spluttering.  The sinuses remained clear until I got home in the shower.  So first 10k of 2014 completed within the first half hour of the new year, although the first 3 miles occured in 2013 :)

At least I can have a lay in and not feel remotely guilty in the morning.  Roll on Izzy o'clock, I've missed the little lady like mad!

Monday, December 30, 2013

My 2013 review...

Here we are.  Another year draws to a close.  Exactly three years to the night I made myself a vow to take better care of myself and to get as fit as I possibly could.

2011 was a good start.  2012 was better.  2013 took it to another level altogether.

Here's my final 2013 stats:

The Final 2013 Stats as per Garmin Connect

The main aim at the start of 2013 was to mix things up this year.  As most of you will know, cycling was my main stay for the previous two years but I was determined to do things differently this year, cross training between running, cycling and Gym sessions.

I achieved what I wanted to do.  I reduced my cycling time and increased the time I've spent running and the time I've spent in the Gym, to increase my fitness and improve my body shape.

In total for 2013, I trained for 338hrs (14 days), burning 251k calories in the process (the equivalent of burning 896 Mars Bars).

I can now say I'm a runner as well as a cyclist.  This year I spent a total of just short of 159 hours running 1,055 miles, burning 162k calories.

In April, I smashed my Half Marathon PB set back in 2008... by a huge margin of 48 minutes...

From running 2:45:06 back in 2008 to running a sub 2hr HM in 1:56:29 was probably the highlight of my year.  In the 14 months that I've been running again, I've also brought my 10k PB down from 1:06:36 to 51:42.  Here's to finally smashing the 50:00 10k in 2014.

From a running perspective, I'm chuffed that I took the plunge to join Plumstead Runners back at the beginning of February.  My running has improved ever since and I cant imagine my Wednesday nights without them now.  What a great bunch of people.  A huge thanks to Graham, Paul, Jim, Mary, Siobhan, Julie, Robin and a few others that have made me feel very welcome.

Cycling-wise, its been a mixed year for me.  I started on fire and was riding out of my skin, had a massive fall out with the chairwoman of my then cycling club and I was really given no alternative but to get out.  I have to say its the best thing I ever did.

Riding at pace is the way forward.  Fitness-wise, you wont get anywhere stopping for cake and coffee every 20 miles or so.  Each to their own though.  It wasnt for me.  I rode London to Brussels (via Amsterdam) in May and it was an absolute breeze and at no point did my body feel like it was being stressed.  The hardest thing was dealing with the hangover on the last day after spending a night on the sauce with my old Uni pal Imran.  What a fab night that was.

Unfortunately, on return from Brussels, I developed tendonitis of the patella tendon which left me unable to cycle for a good 2-3 months which put paid to my chance of riding the inaugral RideLondon100, which I had been so looking forward to.  I learnt a long time ago that the disappointments make you stronger.

Sadly, as you will be able to see from this, I've only completed two road rides since July, mainly because of the tendonitis...

I've got mixed feelings about cycling at the moment to be perfectly honest.  No doubt when I get back on Hayley again, I will wonder what took me so long to take her for a ride again but until then, I'm enjoying my running far too much.  What with marathon training in progress now, I cant see how I can fit both in side by side so I'll just have to take it week by week for now.  However, as you can see, I dont think it will take me too long to get back in the saddle.

2013 was also the year of taking the Gym seriously for me too.  I joined the Gym back in 2012 but never really took to it and it hit the back burner until Chandra finally persuaded me to go back and I havent looked back since.  Take out the cardio work in the Gym, I completed 90 sessions over 73 hours dedicated to strength training and toning up this wrecked body of mine and you can really see the difference it has made now.

So fitness-wise, despite a couple of injuries, 2013 has been my best yet.

2013 has been pretty good in terms of the rest of my life too.  My relationship with Isabelle gets better and better.  She's turning into one hell of a daughter.  I cant begin to describe how proud of her I am.  I guess part of me will always feel like I've let her down what with seeing her parents split up at such a young age but I want her to grow up and be proud of her Dad too and hopefully she is.  I want her to grow up and see me as one of her mates, not just her Dad. 

My relationship with my parents has got better too.  I've always been a stubborn b*stard and tend to go off like a bull in a china shop at times but I've learnt to bite my tongue and be more patient.  I guess I'm beginning to grow up a little.  Blimey, never thought I'd hear myself say that.

My bruv's had an ok year health-wise too.  A few wobbles here and there but he's getting there.  That makes me very happy indeed.

2013 should also be remembered as the year I kicked depression into touch.  Keeping myself busy and focused on my fitness has meant for the first time in years, the darkness of impending doom hasnt come to visit.  Long may that continue.

Other 2013 highlights: My dear friends Yatin and Vanessa aka the Posh & Becks of Docklands got married.  Ah bless, such a lovely couple.  Chandra & Sophie's little man Rhys has made us all smile an awful lot.  I have to say I havent really seen a lot of anyone else.  Weekdays are dominated by work, weekends are dominated by Isabelle, leaving not a lot of time for anything else, sadly.  That really has to improve next year.

Love life, non-existent.  How many dates have I had this year?  3 maybe 4, cant remember now.  1 was great, the others not so.  I still find it amazing that when I was almost 18st, I was swatting the ladies off like flies and now I'm looking bloody fabulous, I cant get a date.  Haha, I'll never be able to work the ladies out.  Here's hoping for a change in luck sometime soon.

As for Spurs.  Hot and cold.  Missed out on CL by a point but had our best ever PL season in terms of points won.  Sold our best player for a world record fee.  Have struggled to find some consistency since.  Started the season ok but two hammerings saw AVB sacked and replaced with Tim Sherwood.  I hope 2014 brings some consistency and stability, what we all long for.

Generally, as years go, 2013 was the best for a while.  Here's hoping 2014 brings further contentment.  I can live without a winning lottery ticket as long as my family and friends are healthy and happy.  That would do me nicely.

So, Objectives & Targets for 2014:

1) Complete the Paris Marathon on 06/04/2014 (preferably in sub 4:00 but we'll see!)
2) Finally run a sub 50:00 10k.
3) To see some more of my friends (and get a resemblance of a social life again)
4) To get back out on Hayley again...
5) If Paris goes well, maybe look at doing another (or a few more!)

To be continued...

(The first person to say 6 - get a girlfriend gets a slap!)

Before signing off, I'd like to say a huge special thanks to Chandra, Rich W and Reuben for keeping me sane at all times, the pep talks, putting the world to rights with me and sharing god knows how many pints with me over the space of the last year.  Not sure what I'd do without you guys.

Here's to a healthy and happy 2014

JB :)

Monday Training (7 mile trail run at Oxleas Woods)

Sadly, by the time I woke up Sunday morning, I was suffering from a cold so I decided to give the KFL Cross Country race at Avery Hill Park a miss as I didnt want to stress my body too much and risk losing training time during the up coming week.

Instead I had a day of rest and spent most of the afternoon mainly watching football and dozing on the sofa.

I didnt sleep that well on Saturday or Sunday evening so by the time I woke up Monday morning I was feeling very tired indeed.  I had to pop in to see my parents in the morning but was back home by 3pm.

I felt better so I made the decision to do a gentle trail run over Oxleas Woods.  The weather had certainly brightened up after this morning's downpours...

Although the skies had brightened up, the ground was totally waterlogged and was the muddiest I've ever known the woods.  Here's the garmin dump...

Slow pace, low HR. Just about spot on for a leisurely run (well, more like jog/walk as you couldnt run in places...and you almost had no choice but to walk in other places).  Despite the slow pace, it was one of the more enjoyable runs I've had.  I cant begin to tell you how wet and muddy my feet were...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday Training (Muscle Build - Session 24)

Warm Up 
1km treadmill > here


Crucifix (3sets x 10reps)
Shoulder Press (3sets x 10reps)
One Armed Press Ups (5sets x 10reps)
Bicep Curl (3sets x 10reps)
Tricep Curl (3sets x 10reps)


10 sets (10 SB left-one-footed sit ups + 10 SB right-one-footed sit ups + 10 SB Sit Twists)

No leg weights (ahead of cross country tomorrow morning)

Cool Down

1km treadmill > here

Was a decent session today.  The Gym looks seriously different after the extension has been opened and the refit but I dread to think how busy the Gym is going to be with newbies over the next few weeks as more people join for their New Year Resolutions.
Hopefully, I wont find myself avoiding the Gym.

As of 8:30 Saturday evening as I type this, I'm feeling like I'm coming down with man flu again.  I've got the same discomfort I get in the back of my throat which normally means I've got a chest infection or similar coming.  I'm dosed up on nurofen cold and flu tablets and am drinking plenty of fluid in an attempt to stop it in its tracks.

As a result, I may miss the cross country tomorrow, pending how I feel when I wake up in the morning.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Friday Training (10k run)

After Christmas Day's run, I had 2 great days with Izzy but as of lunchtime today, Izzy was delivered back to her Mum Clare and I'm now billy no mates again until New Years Day when Izzy comes back.

A quick stop via Tesco's on the way back to stock up on food and by 3pm I was home alone again.

Only one thing for it.  A nice 10k run.

I havent said this for a while but NEW PB. 

NEW PB NEW PB NEW PB. As per Strava, the time for 10k was 51:42.

Un-bloody-believable.  I knew I was running well, I knew I felt good but 51:42?  Really?  That'll do nicely.  There's not much else to say other than bloody hell really :)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wednesday Training (The Christmas Day run)

After Sunday's disaster run, I put my feet up on Monday and Tuesday.  I had my arm forced as I had Isabelle staying with me but it done me the world of good.  I felt quite drained on Monday, so much so I felt disorientated early in the morning and just didnt feel myself.  I wondered if I was coming down with a bug.

Anyhow, Christmas Day.  First Christmas ever that I didnt see Isabelle first thing on Christmas morning.  Clare brought her up to me around 4.30pm so we did spend some time together.

The plan was to run Christmas morning and that was what I done.  Just a relatively easy 7 miler from my parents and back again.

A huge improvement on Sunday's effort, a huge boost to my confidence as Sunday's disaster really did rock my confidence.

Great run.  Lovely day.  Not much more to say other than that :)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday Training (10 mile run)

Down to circumstances, I delayed the booze ban by 24hrs as an old friend got in touch last night as she needed a shoulder to cry on and of course, I couldnt turn down a lady in distress.  5 pints later...hmm, not perfect preparation for a 10 mile run on Sunday morning that I had planned.

So I delayed it until around 3pm this afternoon.

It was a mistake full stop.  I was awful.

The thing with distance running, or running of any kind, half the battle is in the head.  Well it is for me.  I just wasnt up for it at all.  I didnt feel comfortable from the start.  My bottle belt felt too tight, my breathing didnt feel natural and was all over the shop, it was just one nagging thing after another.  Then the doubts start and you wonder what the hell is going on.

The first mile was slow.  9:07.  Not disasterous but I know I can run that first mile quicker than that. Second mile much more like it at 8:37 but its slightly downhill so still a little bit slower than I normally am but then when the third mile registered as 9:01, the fourth 9:30 and the fifth 9:41, I knew I was struggling.  I was slowing down big time.  As I hit half way, my average pace was around 9:20 min/mile and that is seriously slow for me.  I tried hard to up the pace but I found I had nothing left in the tank.  It was then all about survival to get home.

My pace was dropping and dropping.  The last two miles was over 10 min/mile pace which I havent run in the last 18 months.  The shame.

I made it home.  The legs felt ok with no cramps but they had absolutely nothing left in them.  It was scary.  From halfway, it was a mental battle and I was losing it.  Thought were wandering everywhere, things that were annoying me, my non-existant love life, Izzy, a nice front garden I saw, who the next Spurs manager is going to be...almost everything other than concentrating on the run.

Looking back at the training schedule, my only rest day in the last week was on Wednesday...and that was the Santa run.  I still ran that night.  It was about 8 miles in the end.  So I've had a hard week.  I've also drank like a gold fish.  Not good.  As I write now at 9:30 on Sunday evening, I feel like I'm coming down with a cold so a combination of all three things and the run was going to be awful today.

The only thing I can do now is write this run off as a one-off, take a few days rest now I've got Izzy (that was the plan anyhow) and see if I do actually come down with anything.  After the Santa run, it really wouldnt be a surprise if I did come down with something so we'll have to wait and see.

Onwards and upwards.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Saturday Training (Gym - Muscle Build Session 23)

With the Christmas Party safely negotiated, it was time to get back in the Gym.
Weirdly, what with the all day drinking session, the hangover kicked in around 11:30pm last night.  A quick pint of Diet Coke and going to bed shortly after killed it in its tracks :)
Warm Up 
1km treadmill > here


Crucifix (3sets x 10reps) 
Shoulder Press (3sets x 10reps) 
One Armed Press Ups (5sets x 10reps) 
Bicep Curl (3sets x 10reps) 
Tricep Curl (3sets x 10reps)

10 sets (10 SB one-footed sit ups + 10 SB Sit Twists)

No leg weights (as planning my long run for early tomorrow morning)

Cool Down

None!  Was a little distracted tbh.  Thats a story for another time ;)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Training (Pre-office xmas Party run...but shorter than planned :( )

Well, sometimes you just have to admit defeat.

This run defeated me.

The 5k fitness challenge the night before must have took a whole lot more out of me than I realised.  Ok, it didnt help that I met up with Rich W for a couple of quick pints within 30 minutes of being home from the Gym.  Maybe it was a combination of the two.

I got up as planned.  No problem.  As I was getting my kit on, I felt dry.  Drier than a desert.  I grabbed a quick pint of water and filled up my water bottle but it was never going to be enough.  I must have dehydrated doing the fitness challenge and then drinking 2 pints not long after was enough to have an effect.

The first mile was horrific.  I didnt feel great, the pavements were frosty and slippery and I just couldnt get my legs going.  The second mile is mainly down hill but I was still struggling.  

Here's the Garmin, just take a look at the pace...

Average pace of 9:20 min/mile? Really? Yeah, bad eh? I only ran 10 miles at 8:45min/mile pace a few weeks back. Proof that overdoing it and drinking is not a good match.

The plan was to originally extend the run to around 7.5-8 miles but by 5k, I'd had more than enough.  I doubled back through Danson Park and took the quickest route back.  After running up Danson Lane back past Bexley Grammar, I was destroyed.  I had absolutely nothing left.

I had to stop.  I tried to drag it out as long as I could but I felt sick.  So I stopped.  The shame.  The shame of stopping at 5 miles.  It felt like a half marathon.

I composed myself, done some stretching and then ran the last mile back at 9:30min/mile pace but I was frazzled by then.

I'm glad to report the Xmas party was a fabulous success at QMUL yesterday.  As of 9pm last night, I drank my last pint until the evening of 6th April, after I've ran the 26.2 miles of the Paris Marathon.  If you're going to do it, you need to do it properly :)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday Training (5k Fitness Challenge & Gym Muscle Build Session 22)

Back to the Gym Thursday evening.  Bumped into Chandra as soon as I came through the front door and he said I should go and have a look at this month's challenge...run 5k on the treadmill as fast as you can...

So, a little warm up of 0.5km...a bit of a stretch then give it the full beans...

Warm Up 
0.5km Treadmil

Fitness Challenge 5k > see here

How is it I can run 5k outside comfortably at a decent pace without blowing up but as soon as I get on a treadmill and try and do it, I get destroyed?!?!

I'll settle for 25:01.  Garmin said 25 dead but will go with what the treadmill said.  Not bad.

When looking back at my Garmin records, it was my fastest ever 5k on the treadmill...

But how does that compare to the other competitors?  Here's the fitness challenge board...

So my 25:01 sits somewhere in the middle.  How the hell someone managed to run 18:35 is astounding.  That would win the local 5k Park Run at Danson Park!!!

Anyway, back on to the rest of the Gym session 


Crucifix (3sets x 10reps)
Shoulder Press (3sets x 10reps)
One Armed Press Ups (5sets x 10reps)
Bicep Curl (3sets x 10reps)
Tricep Curl (3sets x 10reps)


10 sets (10 SB one-footed sit ups + 10 SB Sit Twists)

No leg weights.

Cool Down

0.5km treadmill (was planning on longer but couldnt be arsed in the end lol)
It was a good session and I really was destroyed by the end of it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday Training (Pah Training?!?! Plumstead Runners 2013 Santa Run!)

Holy mother of God.  Wednesday nights is Plumstead Runners night and this wednesday in particular was a highlight of the year.  The annual Santa Run around Bexleyheath and Bexley Village...

Now the Plumstead Runners is a running club right?

Ha, this is where the Plums come into their own...they are most definitely a running club with a drinking problem!  They seriously know how to let their hair down.

I love them to bits, what a great bunch of people.

Last night, I dont think I've ever seen so many people in the changing rooms.  The regular guys I've seen week in week out were there and a load of others who make an appearance just at the Santa run for various reasons, the main one that alcohol is involved.

A can on Stella to start.  A mince pie.   50 odd Santas running towards Bexleyheath along the Broadway, every single car beeping, tooting in support.  Those walking past were literally rubbing their eyes in disbelief.

Pint of Stella in the Rose.  Guess we were in there about 20 mins in the end.  Then a few hundred yards up the road into the Broadway shopping centre, with a photocall outside on the steps opposite Central Library.

Into the centre, round the centre bit with Costa Coffee and out at the other end, into Sainsbury's.  Every seen 50 Santa's doing the conga through Sainsbury's before?  Ha, last night was the night.  Brilliant.  The shoppers must have thought their were tripping out of their boxes.

Down Gravel Hill into Bexley Village to the Black Horse.  Another pint.  Inbetween their and the next pub, we had an impromptu carol concert in the middle of one of the neigbouring dead end roads and the residents were coming out stuffing loose change (and notes) into the charity buckets.

By this point, the rain as hammering down.  Absolutely torrential.  Not one of us were bothered.  Across the wobbly footbridge over the A2 and 50 Santa's jumping up and down on it to make it bounce probably wasnt a sensible thing to do lol.

More Stella at the Robin Hood and Little John and for the first time in my life, I can actually say I've had a pint in the Polly Clean Stairs (aka The Royal Oak).

Back to the club house for more Stella and Pizza.  Dont think I've laughed as much as I did for a long time when we were doing the conga through Sainsbury's.  That was absolutely brilliant.

Merry Christmas Plums, love you guys lots :)

The Plums with a surprised little girl out with her Mum doing some shopping

Santas shop at Sainsburys, Santas shop at Sainsburys la la la la...

Santas before the rain came...


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday Training (Gym - Muscle Build Session 21)

Tuesday saw me back in the Gym and a first test of the indoor capabilities of my new Garmin Forerunner 620.  Put quite simply, it doesnt work lol.

Warm Up 
2.5km Treadmill (pyramid starting at 11.5kph increasing by 0.5kph every 0.5km to 13.5kph) - see here for the Garmin connect dump 

(As you can see, the pace certainly doesnt register correctly.  I manually amended the run to 2.5km and the pace corrected but the pace distribution certainly wasnt right.  Reading the manual, it appears the first run is used as calibration so we'll have to see whether it improves.)


Crucifix (3sets x 10reps) 
Shoulder Press (3sets x 10reps) 
One Armed Press Ups (5sets x 10reps) 
Bicep Curl (3sets x 10reps) 
Tricep Curl (3sets x 10reps)

10 sets (10 SB one-footed sit ups + 10 SB Sit Twists)

No leg weights.

Cool Down

2.5km treadmill (fixed at 11.5kph) - see here for Garmin Connect dump

(Again, the pace distribution over the 2.5km looks all over the place.  Think I need to invest in a footpod!)

Monday, December 16, 2013

AVB gone

Going back to the end of November, I wrote about the weekend of sporting disaster, when Spurs were hammered 6-0 at Man City, see here for a refresher.

Spurs were hammered 5-0 at WHL by Liverpool yesterday.  That was the straw that finally broke the Camel's back.  THFC announced AVB was gone by mutual consent just after 11am this morning.

It wasnt a surprise.  I dont think any manager could survive two hammerings in quick succession like that.  As I predicted, another mauling at home and the deed would be done.

Part of me feels sorry for AVB.  He lost his best player in Bale, that would effect any team.  He's had to deal with a fairly serious injury list in the last 18 months since he took over (see Kaboul, see Sandro, see more recently Rose, Lennon, Kaboul again, Vertonghen, Chiriches etc).

The other part of me wants to slap him around the chops with a wet kipper.  The way he handled BAE and Adebayor has been laughable.  His persistence to play with a lone centre-forward when we've been struggling for goals defies belief.  His persistence to play with inverted wingers and not providing any service to our centre-forwards.

Should he have bene given more time?  A 5-0 hammering in your own back yard says no.

So what next for Levy and Spurs?

My initial reaction when the news was announced this morning would be that Technical Director and former Spurs midfielder Tim Sherwood would take the reigns temporarily until the club find a permanent successor.

Around 12:30pm today, ITK appeared from Ali Z, one of the more respected ITKers on COYS, who has confirmed links to the board...

After an afternoon of speculation, Spurs confirmed that Sherwood, Les Ferdinand and Chris Ramsay would be taking temporary charge of the team until a replacement has been identified.  No time scales have been given but with the World Cup only six months away, maybe a short-term option is best given who could be potentially available after the World Cup.  Names that come to mind include Capello, currently in charge of Russia and Tottenham's favourite German son, Jurgen Klinsmann, the USA manager.

The Spurs forums have been going ballistic today and understandibly so.  Various names have been banded about.  Hoddle.  Jol.  Both are available.  Capello was seen at WHL with Baldini on Sunday.  Gianfranco Zola resigned as Watford manager today.  Steve Clarke, one of Hoddle's friends is available after being sacked by WBA.  Could Hoddle and Clarke be the new Spurs dream team?

Of course, the pundits have been giving Spurs a good kick in too.

Jamie Redknapp is a very bitter man.  He was quickly attacking Levy and the way Levy runs the club.  Alan Sugar called it amateur.  (Yes, says the man who employed Christian Gross...now that was amateur!)

So here we go again.  A period of transition.  Again.  Ha, Spurs have had more transition periods than I've had hot dinners.  As my favourite Spurs blogger describes it...

"Never a boring second with Spurs. It's like having fantastic sex with your partner but every so often she pulls out a whip and destroys you."

Spurs go straight back into battle at WHL on Wednesday night against our East London neighbours West Ham in the League Cup Quarter Final.  Even at this stage of the season, one could consider this a must win game as its realistically our only chance of silverware this season, bearind in mind we are drawn against the arch enemy, the Woolwich Nomads in the 3rd round of the FA Cup in January.

After the shock 0-3 defeat to the claret & blue jellied eel munching wet spammers in October, we certainly owe them big time.

Thanks for some good memories Andre.  I'll never forget when we finally won at Old Trafford for what seemed like a lifetime or the 3-2 win against West Ham with you celebrating with Bale on the touchline after his stunning injury time winner.  I so wish it could have worked out.  I genuinely wanted it to.  You're a top bloke, a gentlemen in fact but sadly you werent the manager we needed.  I wish you all the best for the future. 

AVB in happier times at Spurs

Monday Training (10k run) and finally 1,000 miles not out...

After Friday lunchtime's 10k, I had Saturday and Sunday off as I had Izzy staying with me at the weekend.

Monday was my first chance to get back out on the road.  Having checked the stats, I was 997.2 miles for the year so the next decent length run was going to take me past the magic 1,000 mile barrier in a year for the first time.

I got totally drenched on the walk back from Welling station so it made sense to go pretty much straight out and get it over and done with.

Most of the roads were almost flooded. The trainers were ringing wet by the time I'd got back. Nothing exceptional in terms of time but it would good to get out again and finally smash the 1,000 mile target.

I really need to start learning to pace my runs properly. Start slowly, build up to normal pace in the middle and then blast the final 1-2 miles or so. In this example, I ran the last 2 miles quite quickly but there was a couple of lazy miles in the middle. I really need to start being more specific on my aims of what I'm trying to achieve.

Anyhow, onwards and upwards.  Here's the proof of the 1,000 mile target being broken :)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Semi Quavers rock Trafalgar Square

Wow, just how good were the Semi Quavers, eh?

Izzy's choir were selected to sing at Trafalgar Square today. As Izzy was staying with me that weekend, I took her on the train to London and we met her Mum and Grandparents to watch the choir sing their hearts out for an hour.

Unfortunately, as the choir started their third song, a couple of Santa's waltzed into Trafalgar Square, equiped with a full PA system and started pumping out Michael Jackson about 150 yards away but it was so loud it seriously drowned out the Semi Quavers.

Without a second of hesitation I was almost running over to them and I accosted the pair of them straight away, telling them to cut the volume, show the little ones some bloody respect and to shove their PA system right up their ...

With some protest, I delayed them enough before the wardens turned up and moved them on.  Job done.

The choir sang beautifully all afternoon and I must admit I got a little choked up while I was watching them from the top of the steps outside the National Gallery.

Fabulous afternoon.

(In the video, Izzy's on the far right, with black hooded jacket, woolie hat and boots).

Izzy at Trafalgar Square

The Semi Quavers in front of the Christmas Tree

Friday, December 13, 2013

Thursday & Friday Training (early 10k run, 4 mile run warm up before the Gym, 10k run)

I've been fairly lazy on the updating of the blog this week, so apologies.  I just havent had enough hours in the days.

Tuesday was a no go because I went to watch Izzy's choir, the SemiQuavers, perform their christmas concert and it was bloody brilliant.

Wednesday was a Xmas do at lunchtime and by the time I got home all I wanted to do was put my feet up.

So, in true JB fashion, I went at it hard on Thursday & Friday.

Alarm went at 5.30am.  Out the door by 5.50am for a ploddy 10k.

It was ridiculously foggy and very slippy underfoot on the pavements but made it around ok. Got back in for 6.45am, just as my alarm usually goes off. Straight in the shower and then off to work. 

Then within 10 mins of being home from work, it was off for another 4 miles before hitting the Gym for my first workout in almost 2 weeks. 

Just the usual TRX circuit in the Gym then took the bus home to watch the Spurs.
Then as I've got Izzy this weekend, I went out and ran 10k on Friday lunchtime... 

It felt like a huge struggle today. Its normally just over 7 miles straight back to the office but I'd had enough by 2.5 miles, so I decided to call it a day on 10k. Straight into Sainsburys to pick up a Sandwich and a drink and took the slow miander back through the Royal London Hospital.

The observant amongst you will have noticed that the Friday lunchtime 10k was recorded on my new shiny Garmin Forerunner 620.  I'll write up something about it when I get a chance but I'm impressed by it already.

So looking forward to Izzy o'clock tonight.

If anyone is not doing anything on Sunday, Izzy's choir will be singing under the Christmas Tree at Trafalgar Square at 2pm on Sunday for an hour.  Come and see the SemiQuavers rock London.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

30% off Garmin's online store

If you're after a Garmin product this Christmas, check out the Garmin online store.

For the first 10,000 orders this Christmas, Garmin are offering 30% (yes THIRTY PER CENT) off with the code GARMIN30.

As a result, I've just ordered a new Forerunner 620 for a heavily discounted £251.99, rather than the RRP of £359.99.

You wont get a Garmin any cheaper but you'll need to be quick :)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday Training (8 mile run - aborted at 7!)

I was up early doors on Saturday. I had to pop into Bexleyheath before Izzy arrived at my parents, so the plan was to get up early and get out running before breakfast.

Thankfully, the chest infection had cleared pretty quickly without antibiotics. The tactic of getting on the paracetomols and Olbas Pastilles early in the week had done the job.

The run went ok. Nothing out of the ordinary. Average page of 8:52 min/mile majorly affected by getting cramp from around 6.5 miles and making it almost unbearable to run by 6.8. I aborted the run at 7 miles, had a long stretch out and then walked back up Watling Street to home. 7 miles was more than sufficient for the purpose of getting out again.

Once the chest is completely clear, I'll be upping the mileage again.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday Training (Short 5 mile lung unclogging run)

Man flu update

Overnight, it appears the little tickle I had has now turned into a fully blown chest infection. The lungs are crackling like hell.

So off to the GP to get some antibiotics.

Something so easy you would think.

112 redials, 15 mins left on hold...

"Hello, Surgery!"
"Hi, can I have an appointment today please"
"Sorry, we have nothing left for today whatsoever!"

Such a wonderful NHS.

"Is there anything I can do to get an appointment, I cant breathe properly?"
"Is it an emergency?"
"Well as I said, I cant breathe properly"
"Ok, I'll add you on to the end of surgery but you'll have to sit and wait!"
"Thank you".

So why the hell dont they just add a few more appointments on at the end of the day.  Like I have to if an academic comes in asking for financial advice.  GPs really shouldnt be exempt from working hours as required.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday Training (Slow man-fluey 7.5 mile run)

As yet no head cold whatsoever.  The Olbas Pastilles have done a fab job of keeping my head clear and a couple of extra strength strepsils have numbed the throat.  Yesterday I felt fluey and my legs felt very heavy all day but they felt a little better today.

Probably shouldnt have run tonight but I thought what the hell.

The aim was to run at a pace of what felt right to keep my HR around 150bpm thereabouts.  Shallow breathing was the choice of the day to attempt to stop the cold air being pulled deep down into my lungs.

Job done. Average HR of 149bpm for the 7.5 miles so was pretty much spot on. Wasnt quick by any stretch of the imagination but by running slowly and not needing huge gulps of air, I've kept the cold air off my chest. My throat and just below has felt quite raw for the last three days so I need to be very careful. A couple of doses of Ventolin when I walked in and straight into the bath and feel reasonably ok.

Legs are feeling very heavy though. I guess thats to be expected.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The dreaded man flu

I wondered when it was going to kick in.

I felt rough on Sunday but waking up on Monday, I could feel a slight burning sensation in the top of my chest, the first sign I usually get of anything untowards.  I started taking cold and flu tablets on Sunday but you never know if they do anything or not.

I got through Monday ok but by the time I got home, I felt zonked.  I had to go to Tesco do to the weekly shop and the three carrier bags felt so heavy as I walked to the bus stop, a weird feeling given the amount of weights I've been able to lift, push and pull recently.  My arms felt like they were being pulled from their sockets.

Dinner was an easy affair.  Lentil soup followed by some pasta.  Job done.

Chilled for an hour, done the washing up, cleaned my kitchen and bathroom then collapsed in a heap on the sofa and didnt move for a couple of hours.

Now that in itself is rare for me, collapsing in a heap?  Surely not.

The thought of running or going to the Gym was out of the question, sadly.  Bloody annoying to say the least when I've only got another 49 miles to run to hit the 1,000 mile target for the year.

Update of the last 8 months and Marathon #6 - VLM 2016 Race Report

Ah.  My last blog post here was Tuesday 24 February. Almost 8 months later, the very last paragraph of that post in February is telling... ...