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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Wednesday Training (Happy New Year 10k with man flu)

I've pretty much felt like death over the last 48 hours.  I picked myself up enough yesterday afternoon to do a very slow trail run and I hoped I'd be able to do the same today.

It didnt quite work out like that.

I hate New Year's Eve with a passion.  I'd rather just get on with things and let it pass me by.  When I got back from my parents this afternoon and realised my neighbours had visitors which highly like meant yet another party to contend with, I thought to myself enough was enough.

I dosed myself up, I soaked myself in the hottest steamiest bath in history to clear my nose and sinuses and I got in my lycra and I forced myself to run 10k at about 11.20pm on NYE.  That way, I could avoid midnight altogether.

Its absolutely no fun being billy no mates and I'm certainly not going to subject myself to having to listen to others having fun.  So off I went...

I took the run very easily. No effort at all. A nice slow constant pace, ensuring I was only taking shallow breaths so as to avoid drawing the cold air on to my lungs which could cause further chaos later.

You may notice that the average HR is much higher than it would be for a run at a much quicker pace but that is easily explained by the several gallons of Diet Coke I've drank in the last 12 hours and the various medication I've been taking (nurofen cold and flu tablets, benilyn chesty cough, subutamol etc).

I felt pretty good considering.  No coughing or spluttering.  The sinuses remained clear until I got home in the shower.  So first 10k of 2014 completed within the first half hour of the new year, although the first 3 miles occured in 2013 :)

At least I can have a lay in and not feel remotely guilty in the morning.  Roll on Izzy o'clock, I've missed the little lady like mad!

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