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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy Birthday me...but not quite the present I wanted from the Physio...

Happy Birthday me.  38 years young today.  Physically I feel it but definitely not mentally.

The knees were a little sore still yesterday after Sunday's cross country, so I took fellow Plums Robin and Les' advice about speaking to their Physio, Nelson Gan.

A quick phone call and diagnosis over the telephone.

Discomfort in both knees indicates overtraining.  Where I've got the discomfort is patella tendonitis.  Exactly the same as last year.  So the Physio has advised no running for 7 days and rest the knees as much as possible in an attempt to get ready for Paris.  Swimming is allowed.  Some weight training may also help.

In his own words, the Physio said "look, I could take a look at you, give you a prod here and there and charge you for the priviliedge, or you can go and spend that money at the swimming pool and get your cardio done that way!"

So thats what I've done.  I'm on a flexi day so spent the morning at the pool.  I havent swam in months, so to swim 80 lengths (a new distance PB for me) before climbing back out of the pool, I'm content I've got a good session in.

By coincidence, I climbed out of the pool to bump into fellow Plum and Paris marthoner Robin.  He'd been on the phone to Nelson too and he'd been given the self same advice.  No running, just swimming for 7 days.  You couldnt make it up!

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