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Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Training (Gym - TRX Session 5 & Treadmill)

 After two days off and a great weekend with Izzy, it was time to get back on it tonight.

To combine running and the Gym, I now tend to run to and from the Gym (2 miles in each direction) either side of my Gym session.  If I want to increase the mileage, I'll do some work on the treadmill too before heading back home.  Tonight was a little different though, as I needed to take my new Asics gel-fuji attack 2 trail shoes with me, to test them out before deciding to use them in this weekend's first cross-country race of the season.  So it was a case of filling the rucksack and running 2 miles with the rucksack.

Now, 2 miles is nothing for me. I can run that in my sleep. However, I dont quite know what happened but dead on halfway, just as I was crossing Danson Lane, I felt my HR shoot right up, a pain in my left side and I felt sick. Like a stitch sort of pain what I used to get years ago. Thought best to stop for a minute to get my breath back and to let my HR settle down again and was fine but did make me wonder if I've got something wrong going on.

Anyhow, onwards.  Got to the Gym in one piece, no further issues on the way in.  Went straight upstairs and hit the TRX


Crucifix (3x10)

Shoulder Press (3x10)

Press ups (5x10)

Bicep Curl (3x10)

Tricep Curl (3x10)


10 x (10 SB Sit-ups & 10 SB Sit-twists)


Leg Extension (6 x 6 x 55kg)
(Leg press machine was out of action).

Then it was on to the treadmill to try out the new trail shoes...

Not bad lookers are they?  Absolute bargain price at sportshoes.com too.  £48.  50% off RRP.  Ok, may not be this years model but quite frankly, for running cross-country in thick mud, am I really that bothered?  Not in the slightest.

So anyway, on to that treadmill...

Now this is the first time I've ran in trail shoes. I'm used to running in road running shoes, with a fair amount of cushioning. The first thing I noticed was the lack of cushioning but the shoes felt really responsive and springy. They felt great to run in. The shoes turned up on Friday and was the first time I'd got to try them out. When I quickly tried them on over the weekend, they felt ever so tight around the instep (I have quite broad feet) but on testing them, they actually felt the right size, so thankfully I'll definitely be keeping these now. 

As it turns out, the 5km was my quickest ever on the treadmill. By quite some margin too. I ran comfortably as 12km/h pace for the first 4km then upped it to 12.5km/h at 4.5km and 13km/h at some point after for the final burst and I cracked 5km in 25:02. Got to be pleased with that. Having said that, my HR was significantly higher than I can ever remember in any recent treadmill session but I felt pretty good. The last 0.5km made me feel like I wanted to be sick from the pit of my stomach but then thats a good thing as if I didnt feel like that, I certainly wouldnt be working hard enough.

It was a great session. Annoyingly, my Garmin battery died on me just as I tried to switch the GPS back on so I could run the final 2 miles home. As a complete geek when it comes to recording data, I decided to get the bus home. I wouldnt have been able to live with myself for running without recording data ;) (Thankfully, this should be a thing of the past when I finally upgrade to the Forerunner 620 when it eventually comes out!)

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