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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday Traning (4.5 mile road run, 1km treadmill warm up, TRX session 6)

As most of you will know by now, I normally run with my favourite Plums on a Wednesday evening.  Not tonight however, thanks to the usually very reliable London Overground.  Signal failure at New Cross Gate meant no trains beyond New Cross Gate to West Croydon...

Yes, I hear you say, that doesnt effect you, does it?  Well no, it shouldnt have done as I normally go to New Cross instead but to left standing on the platform for one New Cross train to suddenly disappear from the platform board then to be replaced by a fully running West Croydon train, it really wouldnt surprise any of us that the Whitechapel station staff got their information wrong and deciphered New Cross for New Cross Gate.  Anyhow...  So off to Cannon Street and a train home (and the priviledge of having to pay to go into and out of zone 1 just to get home because of TfLs incompetence)...another 20 minutes on the journey home...and absolutely no chance of making the Plums on time.

So, finally home and decide for a quick change and out to the Gym.  Again, making the most of the time, running there and back for warm up and cool down and hitting the TRX again.

Warm Up

1km Treadmill (4:41; 7:30 min/mile) (without checking, think that is fastest ever!)


Crucifix (3sets x 10reps)
Shoulder Press (3sets x 10reps)
One Armed Press Ups (5sets x 10reps)
Bicep Curl (3sets x 10reps)
Tricep Curl (3sets x 10reps)


10 sets (10 SB Sit Ups + 10 SB Sit Twists)
No leg weights tonight as trying to take it easy this week, what with the KFL Cross Country on Sunday.
Then a slow plod home...

Another really good session. I have to say the slow plod home was the slowest plod I can remember for sometime. Not sure whether its down to lack of energy, whether it was relatively mild or just because I was running with the rucksack on but it felt like it took forever to get home. All good though.

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