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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday Training (Gym - TRX Session 8)

I had the day off today, so made the most of it by having a lay in until 9.30am (I must have really needed it), hit Tescos (well it was pay day and the cupboards were bare) and hit the Gym...

Warm Up

1km Treadmill (5:16; 8:27 min/mile)


Crucifix (3sets x 10reps)
Shoulder Press (3sets x 10reps)
One Armed Press Ups (5sets x 10reps)
Bicep Curl (3sets x 10reps)
Tricep Curl (3sets x 10reps)


10 sets (10 SB Sit Ups + 10 SB Sit Twists)


Leg Press (6sets x 6reps x 110kg)

Cool down

4km Treadmill (20:40; 8:20 min/mile) - average HR 147bpm.

It was a really good session although the legs really didnt feel 100% but I really wasnt expecting them to be after the 10k handicap last night.

My right hamstring feels a little tight but I'm hoping that now I'm resting the next three days, the tightness will disappear.

Am saving the best part of the day until last though.  Clare (the ex-wife) is dropping Izzy here about 7.30 tonight and I've got her with me until Sunday evening. Cant wait to have my little lady back in my life.  I know it has only been 12 days since I last saw her but even so, 12 days can seem like a bloody lifetime when you're a separated/divorced parent.

Oh...and Spurs kick off at 6pm :)

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